Live Life Larger!

Activity Options exists to empower people with special needs to participate in activities of their choosing that enrich, expand, entertain and empower… that day and the next.

Program Options for PASA Waivers & Private Pay

One-on-One Customized Activities

Schedule an occasional activity or one that is regularly repeated. Supplement a day program, achieve a particular participation or learning goal or give the primary care givers a break.  Pricing depends on activity and can include all transportation in private vehicles.

Day Programs

Participate in a non-facility based day program one, two or three times a week.  Your RecPartner will choose activities from within the community that create consistency and security but also provide variety and growth. Day Programs are available in groups or 1-3 people of similar ability and interests.

Special Events

Choose from a variety of additional activities including sporting events, concerts, movies, cultural events and a long list of physical activities such as bowling, swimming, biking, hiking, boating, tubing and skiing.  Click this link for Current Schedule.

Travel Opportunities

Participate in overnight group travel opportunities to popular places in Colorado and neighboring states with occasional longer trips to other popular places.  Overnight trips are planned to Glenwood Springs, Cripple Creek, Summit County and Utah National Parks.  Click here for Current Schedule. Updated regularly.

Custom Travel

If you have somewhere you’ve been wanting to go or other individual travel needs, a RecPartner can assist you and make your trip memorable, fun and safe.

Project World Fund

Activity Options offers selected Activities & Trips eligible for Full and Partial Scholarships to Denver residents through Project World Fund & RMHS.  View the 2020  "Project World calendar" for a full schedule. If you are not a Denver resident, but interested in attending, Medicaid waiver restrictions may apply, we can help you check with your provider - message us!


Join with Colorado PASA Waivers

Activity Options LLC has program approval from the Colorado Department of Public Health and Environment to provide services under HCBS-DD and HCBS-SLS. Learn more

Private Pay Options

Step outside the restrictions of government funding while staying inside the safety and accountability with Private Pay options. Learn more