A Good Home℠ I/DD Residential Living Services
Activity Options™ carefully selects RLS & Providers that make a good home, great.
What to expect from your Activity Options RLS Support System…
- 360 degrees – start to finish facilitation for all RLS!
- A trusted network for all IDD related needs
- Very attentive to specific needs and wants
- Action oriented & results driven
- Experienced & passionate providers
- Non medical Transportation
- Day Programs available
- We grow & change with you and your needs
- Weekend Activities & Travel is available
- Access to our Arvada Community Center amenities
- Join a community of like-minded people
- Mentorship for residents
- Home Maker services for residents
- Respite opportunities for caregivers

What are I/DD Residential Living Services?
The three most common Residential Living Services (RLS) for people with Intellectual and/or Developmental Disabilities include Host Homes, Independent Living, and Family Caregiver Support. We provide all three and are happy to talk extensivly about which one is right for you. We also understand that over time or due to personal circumstances things may change – so there may be changes to living situations. It’s all a part of life and we are here for you every step of the way.
- Host Homes allow people with I/DD to live in a home with a full time caregiver who is not a family or guardian, they are called a ‘Provider’
- Independent Living supports people with I/DD living on their own, or with a small group, while being fully supported by a Provider from a distance – meaning the Provider does not live with them, but is regularly present and/or available to help with most everything as needed.
- Family Caregiver Support Services plays an important role in keeping families together by providing much needed support and Respite to mothers, fathers, siblings or any family or friend who is the primary carer giver to a person with I/DD.

Host Home Providers
More information will be posted online soon. If you are in need of a Host Home provider please contact us directly with any inqueries. We do currently have Host Home residences available to disscuss with you.
303-358-2592 or info@activityoptions.com
Thank you

Independent Living Services
More information will be posted online soon. If you are in need of Indedpendent Living Services please contact us directly with any inqueries. We do currently have services available to disscuss with you.
303-358-2592 or info@activityoptions.com
Thank you

Family Caregiver Support Services
More information will be posted online soon. If you are in need of Family Caregiver Support Services please contact us directly with any inqueries. We do currently have services available to disscuss with you.
303-3582592 or info@activityoptions.com
Thank you
When you are in need of personalized support for yourself, a loved one or friend with Intellectual and/or Developmental Disability – We are here for you.
Call us directly 303-358-2592
We look forward to talking about your individual needs.
Email info@activityoptions.com
Include as much information as you would like.
Send a quick message.
Become A Good Home℠ Provider
A Good Home℠ program is Activity Options’s team of specially selected providers who work together with their residents to create healthy and rich living experiences. If you are committed to contributing to a better life for someone experiencing IDD, then contact us today for more information. Our residents and providers are eligible to participate in many of Activity Options life enrichment programs as well as extensive support services. Contact us today!