Getting Started using your Medicaid
If you are new to the process and need to determine eligibility for government funding programs, check with your (Community Centered Board (CCB) or Department of Disabilities. If you are not sure how to go about this, please contact us – we are here to help you. 303-358-2592 info@activityoptions.com
If you’re already working with a CCB contact your Resource Coordinator (RC) and ask to have Activity Options included in your IPO. Your RC will issue a Prior Authorization Request (PAR) which gets things started.
An Activity Options staff member will contact you to continue the assessment process. Together we will discover goals, interests and specific needs to determine the best path forward.
HCBS Medicaid Waivers, Community based Day Programs
Activity Options participants enjoy many activities in our Local Denver/Foothills communities. Our Providers go with individuals and small groups to local businesses, theaters, museums, community centers, parks, restaurants, trails, community events, landmarks and so much more!
Activity Options has program approval from the Colorado Department of Public Health and Environment to provide services under HCBS-DD and HCBS-SLS: Supported Community Connection (SCC), Mentorship, Respite, Non-Medical Transportation and Pre-vocation. Message us or call for more information.
HCBS Medicaid Waiver Programs
The West Community Center, at 7401 W 59th Ave. in Arvada is the base for a 5 day a week SCC and Day Habilitation Programs. The activities are directed by the interests of th Participants and provide a wide range of community involvement as well as in-house learning, creativity and socialization. Each day starts with an optional, 15 minute “Smart Session” where individuals can learn and practice a variety of life skills.
We offer a 6 week pre-vocational workshop, “Off to Work We Go”, along with other Supported Employment services as well as entrepreneurial development. We are in the process of creating several micro businesses where folks can participate in the process and enjoy employment opportunities.
Message us or call for more information.
Do You Qualify for Medicaid Funding?
We work closely with the Resource Coordinators at these agencies to match people with our programs. Participants who qualify for medicaid funding can use Activity Options as their provider who is paid through their approved waiver. To see if you qualify for this program, contact the Division of Disabilities Medicaid Waiver Program or the CCB in your area.
Links to our Colorado CCB catchment areas are:
- Developmental Disabilities Resource Center
- Rocky Mountain Human Services
- North Metro Community Services
- Mountain Valley Developmental Services
- Developmental Pathways Inc.
Can we ‘Private Pay’ for Activity Options services?
Yes, if you are not enrolled in any medicaid or State or federally funded programs. Otherwise, review the medicaid waiver restrictions with your service team. You must first, fully utilized your available funding.